"Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit. Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it." -Psalm 34:13-14
Learning to love, serve, and care for one another as Christ encouraged starts within the home. Here, we all have daily opportunities to practice with one another- including siblings!
Please use these ten cards as a guide for discussion or a jumping-off point for household rules. Tape the cards up around your home. Memorize the verses together. Pray them over your children (and yourself). Offer examples from your own life. Let these be a way for your family to practice the love God encourages. Amen!
· 10 4x6 cards, bundled together and tucked inside a cotton bag.
· Verses are from the NIV, ESV, and CSB depending on which version was the most accurate and concise for scripture card use